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October 12, 2009


SharePoint webparts

The benefits of SharePoint web parts from companies that partner with Microsoft should also really be discussed. These web parts help to meet the additional needs of a business that aren't specifically addressed in SharePoint, resulting in an overall enhanced experience for users.

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Sharepoint Consultants

I missed this presentation. Is there any feedback on how it went?

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oops..I missed the this conference :-(. It was my bad luck only. I am feeling very sad. Do you have any video for this conference. I am very curious about it and want to see it. Please help me man.

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Was the Microsoft Sharepoint Conference a once-only affair? I was wondering if there'd been any follow up to it. I can see by the dat that it's been quite a while. Thanks..

Toko Handycam

When the product matures, if I have organizational buy-in and interest; a large hardware budget; a high-performance Wide Area Network, and a budget for consulting, Sharepoint will be a great way to go. Under the conditions that I have today -- some organizational buy-in; modest budget for servers and no budget for consulting; a decent network, but other priorities for the bandwidth, such as VOIP and video -- I'd be much better served with the alternatives.

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All are brave when the enemy flies.

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