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February 03, 2009



This is great news! It's a digital revolution. Thanks for the post.

document imaging

These never had been on my mind, thanks for sharing this valuable information.. its a good news indeed.

Amanda McCann

There is a great Webinar coming up on how PSIGEN's advanced scanning and capture solution can benefit a legal organization's workflow. The software enhances the effectiveness of any scanning device in a legal environment, resulting in increased efficiency in indexing, searching, and sharing of information. Here's the link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/766271097

Bill Brikiatis

Thanks Amanda. We always like to hear about good seminars.

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records management

Thanks for sharing this article, this thing never had been on my mind. Its life cycle is very well defined. First it identified the information to be managed after that categories it in to preservation and collection and then process , review and analyze that information and finaaly send it to production.

Imaging Platform

Thank you for sharing all this useful information. It really explained a lot about imaging platform

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