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May 20, 2008


Stephen Boals

It is so interesting, as MFPs have evolved, and the scan quality has improved, it now makes financial sense to leverage these assets on the scanning front. The cost savings not only extends to output costs, but also to overall cost of ownership of the scanning device. Take for example, the new Konica-Minolta MFP line, where even the entry level device scans at 70 ppm. When you look at the cost of a 70 ppm scanner, and its single function, it is usually more expensive to buy the dedicated scanner. So on the purchase side, you can immediatley save. The real savings comes on the back-end, via maintenance costs. Take a 70 ppm Fujitsu for example. The annual maintenance can run as high at $1595 for the first year. In the MFP space, the market does not yet allow for a per scan charge at the copier, so you get your scanning maintenance for "free", just paying a minimum for copies and prints. Dedicated scanners obviously have their place, but I agree, the MFP is a great investment for the majority of organizational scanning needs.

Some other insights at




Ralph Gammon

High-quality 70 ppm dedicated document scanners now list for less than $10,000. Are MFPs now competitive with that type of pricing?

Omri Duek

Interesting synthesis, Jon!

Prospective document imaging customers (and vendors) should also consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) impact given the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

(Technicals can be found @ http://waysandmeans.house.gov/media/pdf/110/hr5140/Technical%20Explanation%20of%20HR5140.pdf)

At a high level, there are substantial savings to be had thanks to the underreported "business" benefits, which are estimated at a compelling $50B in near-term tax savings. Of course, there are certain stipulations -- equipment must be purchased and placed in 2008, only tangible property and "off-the-shelf" software (legal definition) qualify, etc.

InfoTrends has been digging into this issue more thoroughly and is planning to shortly release a report discussing the effects of these business stimuli across our practice areas.

Stephen Boals

You can now get color MFPs, scanning at 70 ppm for under 10K. The Konica BizHub line is an example.

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